Well its near the end of January and many of your goals may have gone out of the window. It's cold and still dark in the morning and early evening. This last Monday was blue Monday i.e. the most depressing day of the year. As a health coach, I find that this time of year can be particularly difficult for clients wanting to make changes. We pressurise ourselves to be doing x, y or z and then beat ourselves up if we are not doing everything. All we want to do is get through the day and snuggle up in the evening. We can sometimes feel overwhelmed with the amount to do which can make us frozen so can't do anything. We then feel worse and may turn to a glass of wine or eat a piece of chocolate cake. What I advise is to find one thing to do and prioritise this. You will automatically feel better after having achieved something which can then spur you on to keep going.
If, for example, you want to eat healthier, have one thing that you do each day. It can be as simple as drink an extra glass of water, or it could be to swap that chocolate biscuit for 2 pieces of dark chocolate instead. You could aim to make a healthy soup packed with vegetables one day, that will last all week. Once you have made a start add another small goal for the next week, e.g. go for a 10-minute walk every other day. Reward yourself once you have achieved your goal, for example, this evening I'm going to have a relaxing bath if I do my walk. We often think we have to do far too much. Make it simple and you may surprise yourself.