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  • Writer's pictureHelen

International Women's Day

Women's Day marks a time for women to look at what we have achieved socially, culturally, politically and economically. I look back at my life so far and am so grateful for the opportunities I have had that my mother and grandmother didn't. Women before me paved the way for some of those options and we now have more choices. I haven't got children, that would have been frowned upon not that long ago. It is a choice I have made due to circumstances in my life and that is okay. Travel has been a large part of my life, I feel blessed that I could plan my trips with the freedom of knowing I could go exactly where I wanted to go (pre-Coronavirus!).

I think this last year has showed me the power of women and how friends have pulled together to help support each other in uncertain times and times of need.

Lets celebrate womanhood and all the sisters around the world!

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